Siddharth Dubey

Frontend Developer, Web Developer

My Powerset

Skills maketh a developer!
The skill matrix shown depicts my strong suite. I have worked on multiple projects to enhance them. I believe starting out on a challenging project is the best approach to develop new skills.




Webpack / Gulp

React JS

Node JS



Angular Js

My Projects


A full stack social networking website used to connect to friends. I created a solid back-end system using PHP and MySQL. The site had a system of upvotes and downvotes for each post. The Front-end was built completely using vanilla Javascript , HTML, CSSand jQuery.

See the source code here: Github

Weather pro

It`s a web application created with Angular JS. The app lets you see the weather data of more than 200,000 cities. The app provides current weather condition along with detailed forecast of next 7 days.

See it live: Weather Pro


It`s an Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) web application. It provides an cloud based portal to fully manage schools. The portal allowed access to students and teachers to access and add information,notices etc. It`s also a full stack application.Bootstrap, PHP and JQuery is heavily used.

Basket Ball App

What`s life without a little whimsy? Out of curiosity started learning Android Development. The Basketball app is the end result.The app acts as a score keeping tool for teams playing the game.

It is open source and can be seen here on: Github

Coming soon

The web gets updated every day and to keep up to its pace it is important to keep yourself updated. Thus following are the technologies I am currently brushing my skills and will work on them in the near future.

Reach Me

What could be more convenient than an email? If you like my work or want to say hi, just drop me a message.